view src/interp.s @ 125:0607e4e20702

Correct offset error for keyword table lookup
author William Astle <>
date Sun, 07 Jan 2024 20:35:51 -0700
parents eb2681108660
children ac183a519439
line wrap: on
line source

                *pragmapush list
                *pragma list
; Fetch next input character, skip spaces. This is structured the way it is to avoid burning any register except A
; which is used for the returned value. Z will be set if the input character is NUL or a colon. C will be set if the
; input character is an ASCII digit. This allows testing Z to identify the end of a command due to either a colon or
; the end of a line.
; Compared to Color Basic, the instruction sequence only varies in the handling of the LDA. In Color Basic, the sequence
; is an LDA extended followed by a JMP extended. This totals to 9 cycles (5 for LDA, 4 for JMP). In LWBasic, an LDA
; with extended indirect addressing is used. This also totals 9 cycles. The only other difference is when a space is
; detected where the branch can be direct to the nextchar code instead of having to branch around a direct page JUMP
; which saves 3 cycles for the case where a space is detected. In other words, this is only slower by virtue of the
; fact that it is called with an extended JSR instead of a direct JSR which causes one extra cycle to be used there
; and one extra byte for each call to nextchar or curchar.
; On 6309, native move saves an extra cycle in the LDA sequence using the LDA extended followed by JMP extended
; sequence.
; This whole thing could be sped up by keeping the input pointer in a register. However, retaining the ability to
; use Y without having to save it first is likely more beneficial.
nextchar        inc inputptr+1                  ; bump LSB of input pointer
                bne curchar                     ; brif no carry
                inc inputptr                    ; bump MSB
curchar         lda [inputptr]                  ; read the byte
                cmpa #'9+1                      ; clear C if above ASCII digits, Z if colon
                bhs curchar0                    ; brif above the ASCII digits
                cmpa #0x20                      ; is it a space?
                beq nextchar                    ; brif so - skip over it
                suba #'0                        ; clever way to set C if >= ASCII 0, Z if zero
                suba #-'0
curchar0        rts
; This is exactly the same as nextchar except it doesn't skip spaces. Unfortunately, for efficiency purposes, we need
; to actually duplicate code here.
nextcharraw     inc inputptr+1                  ; bump LSB of input pointer
                bne curchar                     ; brif no carry
                inc inputptr                    ; bump MSB
curcharraw      lda [inputptr]                  ; fetch the byte
                cmpa #'9+1                      ; clear C if above digits, set Z if colon
                bhs curcharraw0                 ; brif above digits
                suba #'0                        ; clever way to set C if >= ASCII 0, Z if zero
                suba #-'0
curcharraw0     rts
; Set carry if upper/lower case alpha
setcifalpha     cmpa #'z+1                      ; is it above lower case Z?
                bhs setcifalpha0                ; brif so, C clear
                suba #'a                        ; set C if >= lower case A
                suba #-'a
                bcs setcifalpha0                ; brif lower case alpha
setcifualpha    cmpa #'Z+1                      ; is it above upper case Z?
                bhs setcifalpha0                ; brif so, C clear
                suba #'A                        ; set C if >= upper case A
                suba #-'A
setcifalpha0    rts
; Set carry if digit
setcifdigit     cmpa #'9+1                      ; is it above digit 9?
                bhs setcifdigit0                ; brif so, C clear
                suba #'0                        ; set C if >= digit 0
                suba #-'0
setcifdigit0    rts
; Immediate mode handler
immediate       jsr writecondnl                 ; do newline if required
                ldx #prompt                     ; point to prompt string
                jsr console_outstrn
immediate0      jsr readline                    ; read input line
                bcs immediate0                  ; brif ended with BREAK
                ldx #linebuff                   ; point to start of line input buffer
                stx inputptr                    ; set input pointer
                jsr curchar                     ; skip spaces and set flags
                bcs immediate1                  ; brif there's a line number
                tsta                            ; is there anything there at all (end of line)?
                beq immediate0                  ; brif not - read another line
                ldx inputptr                    ; get the modified input pointer processing above
                jsr tokenize                    ; tokenize the line at inputptr, return with result at tokebuff and X
                jsr interpretline               ; go interpret the tokenized line
                bra immediate                   ; go handle another line
immediate1      bsr parse_lineno                ; parse the line number
                bsr prog_findline               ; go see if the line is in the program
                bne immediate3                  ; brif not - no need to delete it
                ldu ,x                          ; get next line pointer which is where we start the copy from
                leay ,x                         ; use temp pointer for copying
immediate2      lda ,u+                         ; get source byte
                sta ,y+                         ; stash it
                cmpu vartab                     ; did we reach the end of the program text?
                blo immediate2                  ; brif not
                sty vartab                      ; save new end of program
immediate3      jsr curchar                     ; skip any spaces after line number
                tsta                            ; is it the end of input (don't test for colon)
                beq immediate6                  ; brif so - we don't need to insert a line
                pshs x                          ; save program insert location and line number
                ldx inputptr                    ; point to line text
                jsr tokenize                    ; tokenize line, get length to D
                leay ,x                         ; save tokenized line pointer
                addd #4                         ; account for next line pointer and line number
                ldx vartab                      ; get start of copy location
                leau d,x                        ; set destination copy location D bytes further up
                stu vartab                      ; save new end of program
immediate4      lda ,-x                         ; get byte from program
                sta ,-u                         ; stash it above the empty space
                cmpx ,s                         ; did we reach the insertion point?
                bne immediate4                  ; brif not - keep going
                leas 2,s                        ; clear insertion location
                stu ,x++                        ; set next line pointer to not null
                ldd binval                      ; set the line number for the program
                std ,x++
immediate5      lda ,y+                         ; get byte from tokenized line
                sta ,x+                         ; stash it in the program
                bne immediate5                  ; brif not at end of tokenized line (see note for fixlineptrs)
immediate6      bsr prog_fixlineptrs            ; fix up line pointers (all of them)
                ldx vartab                      ; clear out variables
                stx objecttab
                stx freestart
                bra immediate0                  ; go handle more input
; Fix up next line pointers. Enter at prog_fixlineptrs to do the entire program. Enter at prog_fixlineptrsx to start
; at the line pointered to by X, which MUST NOT point to the end of the program.
; Works by simply scanning for a NUL in the program text after a line header (pointer to next line and line number)
; and uses that as the new next line pointer. A NULL next line pointer flags the end of the program.
; Observation: if the program text format is changed such that it can include NULs embedded within a line, this routine
; will need to be updated to grok that.
                ldx progtext                    ; point to start of program
                ldu ,x                          ; are we at the end of the program?
                beq prog_findline2              ; brif not (borrow RTS from findline)
                leau 4,x                        ; point to line text (past pointer and line number)
                lda ,u+                         ; are we at the end of this line?
                bne prog_fixlineptrs1           ; brif not
                stu ,x                          ; set the next pointer for the previous line
                leax ,u                         ; move to the next line
                bra prog_fixlineptrsx           ; go handle the next line
; Find a line in the program. Returns with C set and Z clear if no match and C clear and Z set if a match is found. X
; will point to either the exact matched line *or* the line that would be immediately after the desired line number if
; the line had been present, which could be the end of the program. D and U are clobbered. Enter at prog_findlinex to
; start searching at the line pointed to by X. Enter at prog_findline to start at the beginning of the program. Enter
; with the desired line number in binval.
prog_findlinecl ldx curline                     ; get current line pointer
                beq prog_findline               ; brif immediate mode
                ldd binval                      ; get desired line number
                cmpd 2,x                        ; is the desired line number >= current line?
                beq prog_findline2              ; brif this is the right line (optimizes goto self)
                bhi prog_findlinex              ; brif desired line higher: start here instead of program start
prog_findline   ldx progtext                    ; point to start of program
prog_findlinex  ldu binval                      ; get line number to search for
prog_findline0  ldd ,x                          ; end of program?
                beq prog_findline1              ; brif not
                cmpu 2,x                        ; does line number match? Z set if so, clear if not; C set not found
                bls prog_findline2
                ldx ,x                          ; move to next line
                bra prog_findline0              ; see if we found the line yet
prog_findline1  coma                            ; set carry for not found; also clears Z because D is zero from above
prog_findline2  rts
; Parse a line number and return it in binval; raise syntax error if the line number overflows 16 bits unsigned.
; Preserves; registers except D. This will accept the entire 16 bit unsigned number range which is why there is
; a BCS after every shift or add. Enter with the input pointer pointing to the number to parse.
parse_lineno    ldd zero                        ; clear out accumlator but preserve carry flag
                std binval
                jsr curchar                     ; set flags on current character; skip spaces
                bcc parse_lineno1               ; brif first character wasn't a digit - default to zero
parse_lineno0   suba #0x30                      ; adjust to binary digit
                pshs a                          ; save digit so we can add it later
                ldd binval                      ; get accumulated number
                lslb                            ; multiply accumulator by 10
                rola                            ; times 2
                bcs SNERROR                     ; brif overflow
                rola                            ; times 4
                bcs SNERROR                     ; brif overflow
                addd binval                     ; times 5 (add orignal value to times 4)
                bcs SNERROR                     ; brif overflow
                rola                            ; times 10
                bcs SNERROR                     ; brif overflow
                addb ,s+                        ; add in accumulated digit
                adca #0
                bcs SNERROR                     ; brif overflow
                std binval                      ; save accumulated number
                jsr nextcharraw                 ; get next input character; DO NOT skip spaces
                bcs parse_lineno0               ; brif it's also a digit
parse_lineno1   rts
; Main interpretation loop
; Enter at interpret with inputptr pointing to the code stream to interpret.
; Enter at interpretline with X pointing to the command stream to interpret which will return to the caller one the
;     command stream has completed. STOP or BREAK will return with carry set while END or falling off the end of the
;     code will return with carry clear. In the event of an error, the usual error processing will be done and control
;     will return to immediate mode with the stack reset.
interpret       jsr breakcheck                  ; check for BREAK
                bcs cmd_stop0                   ; brif BREAK detected - go stop the program
                ldx inputptr                    ; get interpration address
                stx curstmt                     ; save address of the current statement (needed for some stuff)
                lda ,x+                         ; are we at the end of the line?
                beq interpret0                  ; brif so
                cmpa #':                        ; end of statement?
                beq interpret3                  ; brif so - do a statement
SNERROR         ldb #err_sn                     ; raise a syntax error
                jmp ERROR
interpret0      sta endflag                     ; flag the program exit state as "END" (will be zero)
                ldd curline                     ; were we in immediate mode?
                bne interpret1                  ; brif not
                clra                            ; clear carry to indicate normal exit
                rts                             ; return to caller
interpret1      ldd ,x                          ; are we at the end of the program?
                beq interpret4                  ; brif so - bail out
                stx curline                     ; save pointer to current line
                leax 3,x                        ; set input pointer one before the start of the line text
interpret2      stx inputptr
interpret3      jsr nextchar                    ; fetch first character of next statement
                beq interpret                   ; brif end of statement - do the next statement dance
                tsta                            ; set flags properly for token
                lbpl cmd_let                    ; brif no command - do assignment (LET command is optional)
                ldx #primaryjump                ; point to jump table
                anda #0x7f                      ; lose bit 7
                leax a,x                        ; get half way to the correct offset
                ldx a,x                         ; get the address the other half of the way from here
                jsr nextchar                    ; skip past token and set flags
                jsr ,x                          ; call the routine
                bra interpret                   ; go handle the next statement dance
interpret4      bsr cmd_stop1                   ; make sure stack is aligned correctly (will not return)
interpretline   clr curline                     ; blank out current line pointer (for immediate mode)
                clr curline+1
                leax -1,x                       ; move back before start of code stream
                bra interpret2                  ; go interpret this statement and then continue with stuff
; Check for character in B and raise a syntax error if not found at current input pointer. If it is found, fetch the
; next input character.
syncheckb       cmpb [inputptr]                 ; do we have a syntax match?
                bne SNERROR                     ; brif not
                jmp nextchar                    ; return next input character
                *pragmapop list