view src/irq.s @ 73:2d52cd154ed1

Split some code into separate files for easier management Because the source for lwbasic is so large, split it into several different files to make it easier to navigate and modify. This is part one of the split.
author William Astle <>
date Sun, 06 Aug 2023 00:12:29 -0600
line wrap: on
line source

                *pragmapush list
                *pragma nolist
; IRQ handler
; Note that the interrupt flag in the PIA is cleared at the start of the interrupt handler. That means that if it takes
; a long time to process this interrupt, or processing this interrupt was delayed somewhat, it is far less likely that
; an interrupt gets missed. In that case, we may end up re-interrupting immediately on RTI, but it should reduce the
; number of missed interrupts.
irqhandler      lda PIA0.CB                     ; was it VSYNC?
                bmi irqhandler0                 ; brif so
                lda PIA0.DA                     ; clear HSYNC flag so we don't get stuck if it gets enabled
                ifdef COCO3
                lda GIME.IRQ                    ; clear GIME IRQ state flags
irqhandler0     lda PIA0.DB                     ; clear VSYNC flag
                clra                            ; make sure DP is pointing to the right place
                tfr a,dp
                lda console_blnkdel             ; is the cursor blinking?
                beq irqhandler1                 ; brif not
                dec console_blnkdel             ; time to cycle cursor?
                bne irqhandler1                 ; brif not
                lda #console_curdel             ; reset blink counter
                sta console_blnkdel
                lda [console_curptr]            ; get character at cursor
                adda #0x10                      ; move to next colour
                ora #0x8f                       ; force it to be a full 4x4 colour block
                sta [console_curptr]            ; update cursor on screen
irqhandler1     jsr keyb_read                   ; go handle the keyboard
; FIRQ handler
; This handler is present to prevent accidentally enabling the interrupt and thus hanging to system. It may seem to be
; a waste of code space, but consider it a self defense situation.
firqhandler     pshs a                          ; need a scratch register
                ifdef COCO3
                lda GIME.FIRQ                   ; clear GIME FIRQ state flags
                lda PIA1.DA                     ; clear interrupt flags
                lda PIA1.DB
                lda PIA1.CA                     ; disable interrupts to prevent system hang
                anda #0xfe
                sta PIA1.CA
                lda PIA1.CB
                anda #0xfe
                sta PIA1.CB
                puls a                          ; restore register
                *pragmapop list