view src/lwbasic.s @ 75:5f8f0b0781e8

Split some code into separate files for easier management (3) Because the source for lwbasic is so large, split it into several different files to make it easier to navigate and modify. This is part three of the split. Includes a file missing from part one.
author William Astle <>
date Sun, 06 Aug 2023 00:41:26 -0600
parents e74d00ac6b79
children eb2681108660
line wrap: on
line source

; LWBasic Version 0.1
; Copyright © 2022 Lost Wizard Enterprises Incorporated
; This is LWBasic, a replacement Basic ROM system for the TRS-80 Color Computer which
; is most definitely not binary compatible with the stock ROMs.
                *pragmapush list
                *pragma nolist
                *pragma noexpandcond
                *pragma cescapes
; Utility macros
; skip next byte; flags preserved
skip1           macro noexpand
                fcb 0x21                        ; opcode for BRN
; skip next byte and load nonzero to A
skip1lda        macro noexpand
                fcb 0x86                        ; opcode for LDA immediate
; skip next byte and load nonzero to B
skip1ldb        macro noexpand
                fcb 0xc6                        ; opcoe for LDB immediate
; skip next 2 bytes; clobbers flags
skip2           macro noexpand
                fcb 0x8c                        ; opcode for CMPX immediate
; Include the various sub source files
                include defs.s
                include vars.s
                *pragmapop list
                org 0x8000                      ; the hardware puts the ROMs here; it's not negotiable
ROMSTART        equ *
                *pragmapush list
                *pragma nolist
                include init.s
                include keyb.s
                include irq.s
                include consscr.s
                include genio.s
                include interp.s
                include progctrl.s
                include print.s
                include error.s
                include expr.s
                include miscdata.s
                *pragmapop list
; Set carry if upper/lower case alpha
setcifalpha     cmpa #'z+1                      ; is it above lower case Z?
                bhs setcifalpha0                ; brif so, C clear
                suba #'a                        ; set C if >= lower case A
                suba #-'a
                bcs setcifalpha0                ; brif lower case alpha
setcifualpha    cmpa #'Z+1                      ; is it above upper case Z?
                bhs setcifalpha0                ; brif so, C clear
                suba #'A                        ; set C if >= upper case A
                suba #-'A
setcifalpha0    rts
; Set carry if digit
setcifdigit     cmpa #'9+1                      ; is it above digit 9?
                bhs setcifdigit0                ; brif so, C clear
                suba #'0                        ; set C if >= digit 0
                suba #-'0
setcifdigit0    rts
; Operator handling routines
; binary plus: addition and concatenation
oper_plus       ldb val.type,x                  ; get type of the left operand
                cmpb valtype_string             ; is it string?
                bne oper_plus0                  ; brif not
                cmpb val.type,u                 ; is right operand also string?
                lbeq SNERROR                    ; brif so - do string concatenation
oper_plus0      bsr val_matchtypes              ; go match data types
                jmp val_add                     ; go add the values
; binary minus: subtraction
oper_minus      bsr val_matchtypes              ; go match data types
                jmp val_sub                     ; do subtraction
; Arithmetic package
; This section contains routines that handle floating point and integer arithmetic.
; Most routines take a pointer to a value accumulator in X. Some take two pointers with the second in U.
; Match operands for a numeric calculation. This works as follows:
; * If both operands are the same, ensure the type is numeric and return
; * If one operand is floating point, convert the other to floating point, as long as it is numeric
; * If one or both oeprands are not numeric, raise a type mismatch
; The operands are in (X) and (U)
val_matchtypes  ldb val.type,x                  ; get the type of first argument
                cmpb #valtype_int               ; is it integer?
                beq val_matchtypes0             ; brif so
                cmpb #valtype_float             ; is it floating point?
                beq val_matchtypes1             ; brif so
TMERROR         ldb #err_tm                     ; raise a type mismatch
                jmp ERROR
val_matchtypes0 ldb val.type,u                  ; get type of second operand
                cmpb #valtype_int               ; is it integer?
                bne val_matchtypes2             ; brif not
val_matchtypes3 rts
val_matchtypes2 cmpb #valtype_float             ; is it floating point?
                bne TMERROR                     ; brif not - raise error
                pshs u                          ; save pointer to second operand
                bsr val_int32tofp               ; convert first argument to floating point
                puls u,pc                       ; restore second operand pointer and return
val_matchtypes1 ldb val.type,u                  ; get second argument type
                cmpb #valtype_float             ; is it floating point?
                beq val_matchtypes3             ; brif so - we're good
                cmpb #valtype_int               ; is it integer?
                bne TMERROR                     ; brif not - invalid type combination
                pshs x,u                        ; save value pointers
                leax ,u                         ; convert (U) to floating point
                bsr val_int32tofp
                puls x,u,pc                     ; restore argument pointers and return
; Negate the 32 bit integer (for fp mantissa) at (X)
val_negint32    ldd zero                        ; subtract integer value from zero
                ldd zero
; Convert integer value at (X) to floating point value at (X). Enter at val_uint32tofp to treat the 32 bit value as
; unsigned. Otherwise enter at val_int32tofp to treat it as signed.
val_uint32tofp  clr val.fpsign,x                ; for positive sign
                bra val_int32tofpp              ; go process as positive
val_int32tofp   ldb,x                   ; get sign to A
                sta val.fpsign,x                ; set sign of result
                bpl val_int32tofpp              ; brif positive - don't need to do a two's complement adjustment
                bsr val_negint32                ; negate the integer value
val_int32tofpp  ldb valtype_float               ; set result to floating point
                stb val.type,x
                ldb #0xa0                       ; exponent to have binary point to the right of the mantissa
                stb val.fpexp,x                 ; set the exponent
                clrb                            ; clear out extra precision bits
                ; fall through to normalize the value at (X)
; Normalize floating point value at (X); this will shift the mantissa until there is a one in the leftmost
; bit of the mantissa. The algorithm is as follows:
; 1. Shift the mantissa left until a 1 bit is found in the high bit of the mantissa.
; 1a. If more than 40 bits of left shifts occur, determine that the value is zero and return
; 2. Adjust exponent based on number of shifts
; 2a. If new exponent went below -127, then underflow occurred and zero out value
; 2b. If new exponent went above +127, raise an overflow
; 3. If bit 7 of the extra precision byte is clear, return the resulting value
; 4. Add one to the mantissa
; 5. If a carry in (4) occurred, then set high bit of mantissa and bump exponent
; 6. If new exponent carries, then raise overflow
; 7. Return result.
; Note that if we carried in (4), the only possible result is that the mantissa
; rolled over to all zeroes so there is no need to shift the entire mantissa right
; nor is there any reason to check for additional rounding.
; The above algorithm has some optimizations in the code sequence below.
fp_normalize    pshs b                          ; save extra bits
                clrb                            ; set shift counter/exponent adjustment
fp_normalize0   lda val.fpmant,x                ; set flags on high word of mantissa
                bne fp_normalize2               ; brif we don't have a full byte to shift
                addb #8                         ; account for a while byte of shifts
                ldu val.fpmant+1,x              ; shift mantissa left 8 bits
                stu val.fpmant,x
                lda val.fpmant+3,x
                sta val.fpmant+2,x
                lda ,s                          ; and include extra bits
                sta val.fpmant+3,x
                clr ,s                          ; and blank extra bits
                cmpb #40                        ; have we shifted 40 bits?
                blo fp_normalize0               ; brif not - keep shifting
                bra fp_normalize7               ; go zero out the value
fp_normalize1   incb                            ; account for one bit of shifting
                lsl ,s                          ; shift mantissa and extra bits left (will not be more than 7 shifts)
                rol val.fpmant+3,x
                rol val.fpmant+2,x
                rol val.fpmant+1,x
                rol val.fpmant,x
fp_normalize2   bpl fp_normalize1               ; brif we have to do a bit shift
                pshs b                          ; apply exponent counter to exponent
                lda val.fpexp,x
                suba ,s+
                bls fp_normalize6               ; brif we underflowed to zero
                bcc fp_normalize3               ; brif we did not overflow
OVERROR2        jmp OVERROR                     ; raise overflow
fp_normalize3   lsl ,s+                         ; set C if the high bit of extra precision is set
                bcs fp_normalize5               ; brif bit set - we have to do rounding
fp_normalize4   rts                             ; return if no rounding
fp_normalize5   ldu val.fpmant+2,x              ; add one to mantissa
                leau 1,u
                stu val.fpmant+2,x
                bne fp_normalize4               ; brif low word doesn't carry
                ldu val.fpmant,x
                leau 1,u
                stu val.fpmant,x
                bne fp_normalize4               ; brif high word doesn't carry
                ror val.fpmant,x                ; shift right C in to high bit of mantissa (already set to get here)
                inc val.fpexp,x                 ; bump exponent for a right shift
                beq OVERROR2                    ; brif it overflows (> +127)
                rts                             ; return result (only possible result was mantissa wrapped to zero)
fp_normalize6   clr val.fpmant,x                ; clear mantissa
                clr val.fpmant+1,x
                clr val.fpmant+2,x
                clr val.fpmant+3,x
fp_normalize7   clr val.fpexp,x                 ; clear exponent and sign
                clr val.fpsign,x
                puls b,pc                       ; clean up stack and return
; Addition and subtraction of values; must enter with values of matching types
; Calculates (X) + (U) -> (Y) (addition)
; Calculates (X) - (U) -> (Y) (subtraction)
val_add         ldb val.type,x                  ; get type of left operand
                stb val.type,y                  ; set result type
                cmpb #valtype_float             ; is it float?
                beq fp_add                      ; brif so
                ldd,x                 ; do the addition
                lbvs OVERROR                    ; brif calculation overflowed
val_sub         ldb val.type,x                  ; get type of left operand
                stb val.type,y                  ; set result type
                cmpb #valtype_float             ; floating point?
                beq fp_sub                      ; brif so
                ldd,x                 ; do the subtraction
                lbvs OVERROR                    ; brif overflow
; FP subtraction: just invert the sign of the second operand and add; operands must be writable and they should be
; considered to be clobbered
fp_sub          com val.fpsign,u                ; negate right operand
                ; fall through to addition
; FP addition: this requires that *both operands* are writable and they may be clobbered
fp_add          ldb val.fpexp,u                 ; is the second operand zero?
                beq fp_add0                     ; brif so - it's a no-op - copy the left operand to the output
                lda val.fpexp,x                 ; is left operand zero?
                bne fp_add1                     ; brif not - we have to do the add
                leau ,x                         ; copy the right operand to the output
fp_add0         ldd ,u                          ; copy the value across
                std ,y
                ldd 2,u
                std 2,y
                ldd 4,u
                std 4,y
fp_add1         subb val.fpexp,x                ; get difference in exponents
                beq fp_add6                     ; brif they're the same - no denormalizing is needed
                bhi fp_add2                     ; brif second one is bigger, need to right-shift the mantissa of first
                exg x,u                         ; swap the operands (we can do that for addition)l second is now biggest
                negb                            ; invert the shift count
fp_add2         cmpb #32                        ; are we shifting more than 32 bits?
                blo fp_add0                     ; brif so - we're effectively adding zero so bail out
fp_add3         cmpb #8                         ; have 8 bits to move?
                bhs fp_add5                     ; brif not
                lda val.fpmant+2,x              ; shift 8 bits right
                sta val.fpmant+3,x
                lda val.fpmant+1,x
                sta val.fpmant+2,x
                lda val.fpmant,x
                sta val.fpmant+1,x
                clr val.fpmant,x
                subb #8                         ; account for 8 shifts
                bra fp_add3                     ; see if we have a whole byte to shift
fp_add4         lsr val.fpmant,x                ; shift right one bit
                ror val.fpmant+1,x
                ror val.fpmant+2,x
                ror val.fpmant+3,x
fp_add5         decb                            ; done all shifts?
                bmi fp_add4                     ; brif not - do a shift
fp_add6         ldb val.fpexp,u                 ; set exponent of result
                stb val.fpexp,y
                ldb val.fpsign,u                ; fetch sign of larger value
                stb val.fpsign,y                ; set result sign
                cmpb val.fpsign,x
                bne fp_add8                     ; brif not - need to subtract the operands
                ldd val.fpmant+2,u              ; add the mantissas
                addd val.fpmant+2,x
                std val.fpmant+2,y
                ldd val.fpmant,u
                adcb val.fpmant+1,x
                adca val.fpmant,x
                std val.fpmant,y
                clrb                            ; clear extra precision bits
                bcc fp_add7                     ; brif no carry
                ror val.fpmant,y                ; shift carry into mantissa
                ror val.fpmant+1,y
                ror val.fpmant+2,y
                ror val.fpmant+3,y
                rorb                            ; keep bits for founding
                inc val.fpexp,y                 ; bump exponent to account for shift
                lbeq OVERROR                    ; brif it overflowed
fp_add7         leax ,y                         ; point to result
                jmp fp_normalize                ; go normalize the result
fp_add8         ldd val.fpmant+2,u              ; subtract operands
                subd val.fpmant+2,x
                std val.fpmant+2,y
                ldd val.fpmant,u
                sbcb val.fpmant+1,x
                sbca val.fpmant,x
                std val.fpmant,y
                bcc fp_add7                     ; brif we didn't carry - no need to fix up
                ldd zero                        ; negate the mantissa bits since we use sign+magnitude
                subd val.fpmant+2,y
                std val.fpmant+2,y
                ldd zero
                sbcb val.fpmant+1,y
                sbca val.fpmant,y
                std val.fpmant,y
                neg val.fpsign,y                ; invert sign of result since we went past zero
                clrb                            ; clear extra precision bits
                bra fp_add7                     ; go normalize the result and return
; Pack a floating point value at (X)
fp_packval      ldb val.fpsign,x                ; get sign
                bmi fp_packval                  ; brif negative - the default 1 bit will do
                ldb val.fpmant,x                ; clear high bit of mantissa for positive
                andb #0x7f
                stb val.fpmant,x
fp_packval0     rts
; Unpack a floating point value at (X)
fp_unpackval0   ldb val.fpmant,x                ; get high byte of mantissa
                sex                             ; now A is value for sign byte
                sta val.fpsign,x                ; set sign
                orb #0x80                       ; set high bit of mantissa
                stb val.fpmant,x
; The LIST command.
; Syntax:
; LIST <line>
; LIST <line>-
; LIST -<line>
; LIST <start>-<end>
cmd_list        bne cmd_list1                   ; brif we have arguments
                ldx progtext                    ; point to start of program
cmd_list0       ldd #65535                      ; set last line to list to max line number
                std binval
                bra cmd_list2                   ; go do the listing
cmd_list1       jsr parse_lineno                ; parse starting line number (will default to 0)
                jsr prog_findline               ; find the line or the one after where it would be
                jsr curchar                     ; are we at the end of the command?
                beq cmd_list2                   ; brif so - we have a single line (binval will have the start line #)
                ldb #tok_minus                  ; insist on a - for a range if more than one line number
                jsr syncheckb
                beq cmd_list0                   ; brif open ended ending - set to max line number
                jsr parse_lineno                ; parse ending of range
cmd_list2       ldd ,x                          ; are we at the end of the program?
                bne cmd_list4                   ; brif not
cmd_list3       rts
cmd_list4       ldd 2,x                         ; get line number
                cmpd binval                     ; have we reached the end of the range?
                bhi cmd_list3                   ; brif so - we're done
                jsr print_uint16d               ; print out line number
                lda #0x20                       ; and a space
                jsr writechr
                pshs x                          ; save start of this line (in case detokenizing exits early)
                leax 4,x                        ; move past line header
                bsr detokenize                  ; detokenize line to current output stream
                ldx [,s++]                      ; point to next line using saved pointer and clear it from the stack
                ; need to add a break check here
                bra cmd_list2                   ; go handle another line
; Detokenize a line to the current output stream
detokenize      lda ,x+                         ; get character from tokenized line
                bmi detokenize1                 ; brif it's a keyword token
                lbeq writecondnl                ; do a newline if needed and return
                cmpa #':                        ; is it a colon?
                bne detokenize0                 ; brif not
                ldb ,x                          ; fetch subsequent character
                cmpb #tok_apos                  ; apostrophe version of REM?
                beq detokenize                  ; brif so - skip the colon
                cmpb #tok_else                  ; ELSE?
                beq detokenize                  ; brif so - skip the colon
detokenize0     jsr writechr                    ; output it unmolested
                bra detokenize                  ; go handle another character
detokenize1     ldu #primarydict                ; point to primary dictionary table
                cmpa #0xff                      ; is it a secondary token?
                bne detokenize3                 ; brif not
                ldu #secondarydict              ; point to secondary dictionary table
                lda ,x+                         ; get secondary token value
                bne detokenize3                 ; brif not end of line
                leax -1,x                       ; don't consume the NUL
detokenize2     lda #'!                         ; invalid token flag
                bra detokenize0                 ; output it and continue
detokenize3     anda #0x7f                      ; lose the high bit
                beq detokenize6                 ; brif already at the right place
detokenize4     ldb ,u                          ; end of dictionary table?
                beq detokenize2                 ; brif so - show invalid tokenf lag
detokenize5     ldb ,u+                         ; fetch character in this keyboard
                bpl detokenize5                 ; brif not end of keyword (high bit set)
                deca                            ; at the right token?
                bne detokenize4                 ; brif not - skip another
detokenize6     lda ,u+                         ; get keyword character
                bmi detokenize7                 ; brif end of keyword
                jsr writechr                    ; output it
                bra detokenize6                 ; go fetch another
detokenize7     anda #0x7f                      ; lose the high bit
                bra detokenize0                 ; write it and move on with the input
; Canonicalize certain sequences; ALL the rewrite sequences must make the result shorter or keep it the same size
makecanontab    fcb tok_less,2
                fcb tok_greater,tok_notequal
                fcb tok_equal,tok_lessequal
                fcb tok_greater,2
                fcb tok_less,tok_notequal
                fcb tok_equal,tok_greaterequal
                fcb tok_equal,2
                fcb tok_greater,tok_greaterequal
                fcb tok_less,tok_lessequal
                fcb 0
makecanon       leay ,x                         ; point output to start of the buffer
makecanon0      lda ,x+                         ; get current byte
                sta ,y+                         ; save in output
                bne makecanon1                  ; brif not end of line
makecanon1      bpl makecanon0                  ; brif not a token
                cmpa #0xff                      ; is it secondary?
                bne makecanon2                  ; brif not
                leax 1,x                        ; move past second half
                bra makecanon0                  ; go handle next byte
makecanon2      ldu #makecanontab               ; point to replacement table
makecanon3      cmpa ,u+                        ; is it this entry?
                beq makecanon4                  ; brif so
                ldb ,u+                         ; get number of entries
                lslb                            ; 2 bytes per
                leau b,u                        ; move past entry
                ldb ,u                          ; end of table?
                bne makecanon3                  ; brif not
                bra makecanon0                  ; no substitutions found
makecanon4      pshs x                          ; save original source pointer
makecanon5      lda ,x+                         ; get next character
                cmpa #0x20                      ; is it space?
                beq makecanon5                  ; brif so - skip it
                ldb ,u+                         ; get number of replacement candidates
makecanon6      cmpa ,u++                       ; does it match?
                beq makecanon7                  ; brif so
                decb                            ; seen all of them?
                bne makecanon6                  ; brif not
                puls x                          ; restore input pointer
                bra makecanon0                  ; go handle next input
makecanon7      leas 2,s                        ; clear saved input pointer
                lda -1,u                        ; get replacement token
                sta -1,y                        ; put it in the output
                bra makecanon0                  ; go handle more input
; Tokenize line to tokebuff
; Enter with X pointing to the text to tokenize.
; Exit with X pointing to the start of the tokenized line and D holding the length of the tokenized line.
tokenize        clr tok_skipkw                  ; clear "not token" flag
                clr tok_skipdt                  ; clear the "in data" flag
                ldy #tokebuff                   ; point to destination buffer
                pshs y                          ; set return value
tokenize0       lda ,x+                         ; get input character
                bne tokenize3                   ; brif not end of input
tokenize1       sta ,y+                         ; blank out final byte in result
tokenize2       ldx #tokebuff                   ; point to start of tokenized line
                bsr makecanon                   ; canonicalize certain sequences
                tfr y,d                         ; get end address to accumulator
                subd #tokebuff                  ; subtract out start; gives length of result
                puls x,pc                       ; set return pointer and return
tokenize3       tst tok_skipkw                  ; are we in the middle of a "not token"?
                beq tokenize6                   ; brif not
                jsr setcifalpha                 ; is it alpha
                bcs tokenize4                   ; brif so - store it and continue
                jsr setcifdigit                 ; is it numeric?
                bcc tokenize5                   ; brif not
tokenize4       sta ,y+                         ; save output character
                bra tokenize0                   ; check for another
tokenize5       clr tok_skipkw                  ; clear the "not token" flag
tokenize6       cmpa #'"                        ; is it a string?
                bne tokenize8                   ; brif not
                sta ,y+                         ; save string delimiter
tokenize7       lda ,x+                         ; get input character
                beq tokenize1                   ; brif end of input
                sta ,y+                         ; save it in output
                cmpa #'"                        ; end of string?
                bne tokenize7                   ; brif not
                bra tokenize0                   ; brif 
tokenize8       cmpa #':                        ; end of statement?
                bne tokenize9                   ; brif not
                clr tok_skipdt                  ; reset "in data" flag
                bra tokenize4                   ; stash it and continue
tokenize9       cmpa #0x20                      ; is it a space?
                beq tokenize4                   ; brif so - stash it unmodified
                tst tok_skipdt                  ; are we "in data"?
                bne tokenize4                   ; brif so - don't tokenize it
                cmpa #'?                        ; PRINT shortcut?
                bne tokenize10                  ; brif not
                lda #tok_print                  ; load token for PRINT
                bra tokenize4                   ; move stash it and move on
tokenize10      cmpa #''                        ; ' shortcut for remark?
                bne tokenize12                  ; brif not
                ldd #':*256+tok_apos            ; put token for ' and an implied colon
                std ,y++                        ; stash it
tokenize11      lda ,x+                         ; fetch byte from input
                sta ,y+                         ; stash in output
                bne tokenize11                  ; brif not end of input
                bra tokenize2                   ; go finish up
tokenize12      jsr setcifdigit                 ; is it a digit?
                bcs tokenize4                   ; brif so - pass it through
                tsta                            ; is the high bit set?
                bmi tokenize0                   ; ignore it if so
                ldu #primarydict                ; point to keyword table
                leax -1,x                       ; back up input to start of potential token
                clr tok_kwtype                  ; set secondary table flag to primary table
                clr tok_kwmatch                 ; clear the matched token
                clr tok_kwmatch+1
                clr tok_kwmatchl                ; set length matched
                pshs x                          ; save start of input token
tokenize13      clr tok_kwnum                   ; clear keyword number
tokenize14      ldb ,u                          ; are we at the end of the table?
                bne tokenize16                  ; brif not
                ldu #secondarydict              ; point to secondary token dictionary
                com tok_kwtype                  ; flip to secondary token flag
                bne tokenize13                  ; brif we haven't already done the secondaries
                puls x                          ; get back input pointer
                ldb tok_kwmatchl                ; get length of best match
                beq tokenize15                  ; brif we don't have a match
                abx                             ; move input pointer past matched token
                ldd tok_kwmatch                 ; get matched token number
                tsta                            ; is it a primary?
                beq tokenize24                  ; brif so
                bra tokenize23                  ; go stash two byte token
tokenize15      com tok_skipkw                  ; set "not token flag"
                lda ,x+                         ; get character
                bra tokenize4                   ; stash it and continue
tokenize16      ldx ,s                          ; get back start of input token
                clra                            ; initalize match length counter
tokenize17      inca                            ; bump length counter
                ldb ,x+                         ; get input character
                cmpb #'z                        ; is it above lower case Z?
                bhi tokenize18                  ; brif so
                cmpb #'a                        ; is it below lower case A?
                blo tokenize18                  ; brif so
                subb #0x20                      ; convert to upper case
tokenize18      subb ,u+                        ; does it match?
                beq tokenize17                  ; brif so - check another
                cmpb #0x80                      ; did it match with high bit set?
                beq tokenize21                  ; brif so - exact match
                leau -1,u                       ; back up to current test character
tokenize19      ldb ,u+                         ; end of token?
                bpl tokenize19                  ; brif not
tokenize20      inc tok_kwnum                   ; bump token counter
                bra tokenize14                  ; go check another one
tokenize21      cmpa tok_kwmatchl               ; is it a longer match?
                bls tokenize20                  ; brif not, ignore it
                sta tok_kwmatchl                ; save new match length
                ldd tok_kwtype                  ; get the matched token count
                orb #0x80                       ; set token flag
                std tok_kwmatch                 ; save matched token
                bra tokenize20                  ; keep looking through the tables
tokenize22      lda #':                         ; for putting implied colons in
tokenize23      std ,y++                        ; put output into buffer
                jmp tokenize0                   ; go handle more input
tokenize24      cmpb #tok_else                  ; is it ELSE?
                beq tokenize22                  ; brif so - stash it with colon
                cmpb #tok_data                  ; is it DATA?
                bne tokenize26                  ; brif not
                stb tok_skipdt                  ; set "in data" flag
tokenize25      stb ,y+                         ; stash token
                jmp tokenize0                   ; go handle more
tokenize26      cmpb #tok_rem                   ; is it REM?
                beq tokenize28                  ; brif so
                cmpb #tok_apos                  ; apostrophe REM?
                bne tokenize25                  ; brif not - stash token and continue
                lda #':                         ; stash the implied colon
                sta ,y+
                bra tokenize28
tokenize27      ldb ,x+                         ; fetch next input character
tokenize28      stb ,y+                         ; stash the character
                bne tokenize27                  ; brif not end of input - do another
                jmp tokenize2                   ; stash end of buffer and handle cleanup
; Special tokenization handling
; Keyword dictionaries and jump tables. These are defined by several macros which ensure that each command or function
; entry has an associated jump table entry. These macros are:
;               defcmd string,symbase
;               deffunc string,symbase,flags
;               cmdtab
;               functab
;               cmdjump
;               funcjump
; defcmd and deffunc will add an entry into the relevant dictionary table as well as adding one to the relevant jump
; tables. The cmdtab, functab, cmdjump, and funcjump will output the table definitions.
                *pragmapush list
                *pragma nolist
__cmdnum        set 0x80
__funcnum       set 0x80
defcmd          macro noexpand
                setstr __cmdtab="%(__cmdtab)\tfcs {1}\n"
                ifstr ne,"{3}",""
                setstr __cmdjump="%(__cmdjump)\tfdb {3}\n"
                setstr __cmdjump="%(__cmdjump)\tfdb cmd_{2}\n"
tok_{2}         equ __cmdnum
__cmdnum        set __cmdnum+1
deffunc         macro noexpand
                setstr __functab="%(__functab)\tfcs {1}\n"
                ifstr ne,"{4}",""
                setstr __funcjump="%(__funcjump)\tfcb {3}\n\tfdb {4}\n"
                setstr __funcjump="%(__funcjump)\tfcb {3}\n\tfdb func_{2}\n"
tok_{2}         equ __funcnum
__funcnum       set __funcnum+1
cmdtab          macro
                *pragmapush list
                *pragma nolist
                includestr "%(__cmdtab)"
                *pragmapop list
                fcb 0                           ; flag end of table
functab         macro
                *pragmapush list
                *pragma nolist
                includestr "%(__functab)"
                *pragmapop list
                fcb 0                           ; flag end of table
cmdjump         macro
                *pragmapush nolist
                *pragma nolist
                includestr "%(__cmdjump)"
                *pragmapop list
funcjump        macro
                *pragmapush nolist
                *pragma nolist
                includestr "%(__funcjump)"
                *pragmapop list
                *pragmapop list
                defcmd 'REM',rem
                defcmd /'/,apos
                defcmd 'DATA',data
                defcmd 'ELSE',else
                defcmd 'END',end
                defcmd 'STOP',stop
                defcmd 'LET',let
                defcmd 'NEW',new
                defcmd 'PRINT',print
                defcmd 'LIST',list
                defcmd 'RUN',run
                defcmd 'GOTO',goto
                defcmd 'GOSUB',gosub
                defcmd 'RETURN',return
                defcmd 'POP',pop
                defcmd '+',plus,SNERROR         ; IMPORTANT: the operators from + to OR MUST stay in this exact sequence
                defcmd '-',minus,SNERROR        ; with no gaps because a secondary lookup table is used for operator
                defcmd '*',times,SNERROR        ; handling during binary operator handling.
                defcmd '/',divide,SNERROR
                defcmd '^',power,SNERROR
                defcmd '<',less,SNERROR
                defcmd '>',greater,SNERROR
                defcmd '=',equal,SNERROR
                defcmd '<=',lessequal,SNERROR
                defcmd '>=',greaterequal,SNERROR
                defcmd '<>',notequal,SNERROR
                defcmd 'AND',and,SNERROR
                defcmd 'OR',or,SNERROR
                defcmd 'NOT',not,SNERROR
primarydict     cmdtab
secondarydict   functab
primaryjump     cmdjump
secondaryjump   funcjump
; Need to ensure the vectors are at 0xbff2
                zmb 0xbff2-*                    ; pad ROM up to the vector point
                fdb SW3VEC                      ; SWI3 vector
                fdb SW2VEC                      ; SWI2 vector
                fdb FRQVEC                      ; FIRQ vector
                fdb IRQVEC                      ; IRQ vector
                fdb SWIVEC                      ; SWI vector
                fdb NMIVEC                      ; NMI vector
                fdb START                       ; RESET vector (ROM entry point)
                ifdef COCO3
                zmb 0xfff2-*                    ; pad ROM to bottom of vectors
                fdb INT.SWI3                    ; SWI3 vector
                fdb INT.SWI2                    ; SWI2 vector
                fdb INT.FIRQ                    ; FIRQ vector
                fdb INT.IRQ                     ; IRQ vector
                fdb INT.SWI                     ; SWI vector
                fdb INT.NMI                     ; NMI vector
                fdb START                       ; RESET vector (ROM entry point)
                zmb 0x10000-*                   ; pad ROM to full size