view src/lwbasic.s @ 3:05ef3a3b6d65

Add conditionals for assembly of different variants of the ROM Because there are different requirements for the system initialization code between different Coco variants which require having different ROMs for those different models, add some conditionals to the initalization code. The variations supported here are: Coco 1/2: '783 SAM memory detection and configuration Coco2B: '785 SAM memory detection and configuration Coco3: No memory detection and configuration (GIME doesn't need it)
author William Astle <>
date Thu, 03 Nov 2022 21:48:55 -0600
parents 19eac734a518
children 2b6e6b827bd7
line wrap: on
line source

; LWBasic Version 0.1
; Copyright © 2022 Lost Wizard Enterprises Incorporated
; This is LWBasic, a replacement Basic ROM system for the TRS-80 Color Computer which
; is most definitely not binary compatible with the stock ROMs.
                *pragmapush list
                *pragma nolist
                *pragma noexpandcond
; Utility macros
; skip next byte; flags preserved
skip1           macro noexpand
                fcb 0x21                        ; opcode for BRN
; skip next byte and load nonzero to A
skip1lda        macro noexpand
                fcb 0x86                        ; opcode for LDA immediate
; skip next byte and load nonzero to B
skip1ldb        macro noexpand
                fcb 0xc6                        ; opcoe for LDB immediate
; skip next 2 bytes; clobbers flags
skip2           macro noexpand
                fcb 0x8c                        ; opcode for CMPX immediate
                *pragmapop list
; Hardware definitions for the I/O page
                org 0xff00
PIA0            equ *                           ; Keyboard PIA
PIA0.DA         rmb 1                           ; PIA0 data/direction A
PIA0.CA         rmb 1                           ; PIA0 control A
PIA0.DB         rmb 1                           ; PIA0 data/direction B
PIA0.CB         rmb 1                           ; PIA0 control B
                rmb 28                          ; mirror images of PIA0
PIA1            equ *                           ; DA/misc stuff
PIA1.DA         rmb 1                           ; PIA1 data/direction A
PIA1.CA         rmb 1                           ; PIA1 control A
PIA1.DB         rmb 1                           ; PIA1 data/direction B
PIA1.CB         rmb 1                           ; PIA1 control B
                rmb 28                          ; mirror images of PIA1
                rmb 16                          ; SCS/Disk controller
                rmb 16                          ; second half of SCS area
                rmb 32                          ; miscelaneous hardware
                rmb 64                          ; unused on Coco 1/2 (GIME on Coco 3)
SAMREG          equ *                           ; the SAM configuration register
SAM.V0CLR       rmb 1                           ; SAM video mode bits
SAM.V0SET       rmb 1
SAM.V1CLR       rmb 1
SAM.V1SET       rmb 1
SAM.V2CLR       rmb 1
SAM.V2SET       rmb 1
SAM.F0CLR       rmb 1                           ; SAM screen address bits
SAM.F0SET       rmb 1
SAM.F1CLR       rmb 1
SAM.F1SET       rmb 1
SAM.F2CLR       rmb 1
SAM.F2SET       rmb 1
SAM.F3CLR       rmb 1
SAM.F3SET       rmb 1
SAM.F4CLR       rmb 1
SAM.F4SET       rmb 1
SAM.F5CLR       rmb 1
SAM.F5SET       rmb 1
SAM.F6CLR       rmb 1
SAM.F6SET       rmb 1
SAM.P1CLR       rmb 1                           ; SAM "page 1" selection (or extra memory type flag)
SAM.P1SET       rmb 1
SAM.R0CLR       rmb 1                           ; SAM R0 bit (address dependent speedup)
SAM.R0SET       rmb 1
SAM.R1CLR       rmb 1                           ; SAM R1 bit (full speedup/coco 3 speedup)
SAM.R1SET       rmb 1
SAM.M0CLR       rmb 1                           ; SAM M0/M1 bits (memory type)
SAM.M0SET       rmb 1
SAM.M1CLR       rmb 1
SAM.M1SET       rmb 1
SAM.TYCLR       rmb 1                           ; force ROM mode (map type 0)
SAM.TYSET       rmb 1                           ; set RAM mode (map type 1)
                rmb 18                          ; *MPU reserved*
CPU.SWI3        rmb 2                           ; CPU SWI3 vector
CPU.SWI2        rmb 2                           ; CPU SWI2 vector
CPU.FIRQ        rmb 2                           ; CPU FIRQ vector
CPU.IRQ         rmb 2                           ; CPU IRQ vector
CPU.SWI         rmb 2                           ; CPU SWI vector
CPU.NMI         rmb 2                           ; CPU NMI vector
CPU.RESET       rmb 2                           ; CPU RESET/startup vector
; Start of memory which has the direct page and other data.
                org 0
                rmb 0x100                       ; make sure the stuff that isn't direct page is outside of it
                rmb 0x100                       ; non direct page stuff
textscreen      rmb 0x200                       ; the actual text screen

                org 0x8000                      ; the hardware puts the ROMs here; it's not negotiable
START           lda #0xff                       ; set DP to the IO page
                tfr a,dp
                setdp 0xff                      ; tell assembler about DP value
                clr PIA0.CA                     ; set PIA0 A to direction mode
                clr PIA0.CB                     ; set PIA0 B to direction mode
                clr PIA0.DA                     ; set PIA0 A to all inputs (comparator, keyboard rows)
                ldd #0xff34                     ; initiazer for later
                sta PIA0.DB                     ; set PIA0 B to all outputs (keyboard columns)
                stb PIA0.CA                     ; set PIA0 A to data mode, interrupt disabled, MUX to source 0
                stb PIA0.CB                     ; set PIA0 B to data mode, interrupt disabled, MUX to source 0
                clr PIA1.CA                     ; set PIA1 A to direction mode
                clr PIA1.CB                     ; set PIA1 B to direction mode
                deca                            ; set PIA1 A bits 7-1 output (DAC, RS232), 0 input (cassette)
                sta PIA1.DA
                lda #0xf8                       ;* set PIA1 B bits 7-3 output (VDG stuff), 2-0 input (single bit sound,
                sta PIA1.DB                     ;* RS232 input, ram size input)
                stb PIA1.CA                     ; set PIA1 A to data mode, interrupt disabled, cassette motor off
                stb PIA1.CB                     ; set PIA1 B to data mode, interrupt disabled, sound off
                lda #2                          ; set RS232 output to "marking" (stop bit)
                sta PIA1.DA
                lda #16                         ; clear 16 SAM register bits
                ldu #SAMREG                     ; point to SAM register bits
init0           sta ,u++                        ; clear SAM bit
                deca                            ; done all?
                bne init0                       ; brif not
; set the SAM to point to the text screen, which the code will handle at any
; arbitrary 512 byte aligned address in memory
                ifne (textscreen)&0x200
                sta (SAM.F0SET-SAMREG)-16,u
                ifne (textscreen)&0x400
                sta (SAM.F1SET-SAMREG)-16,u
                ifne (textscreen)&0x800
                sta (SAM.F2SET-SAMREG)-16,u
                ifne (textscreen)&0x1000
                sta (SAM.F3SET-SAMREG)-16,u
                ifne (textscreen)&0x2000
                sta (SAM.F4SET-SAMREG)-16,u
                ifne (textscreen)&0x4000
                sta (SAM.F5SET-SAMREG)-16,u
                ifne (textscreen)&0x8000
                sta (SAM.F6SET-SAMREG)-16,u
                ifdef COCO2B
; The following SAM configuration sequence is different from the one in the usual
; one used by the earlier models of the Coco because the Coco2B has the '785 variant
; of the SAM instead of the '783 variant. The '785 variant supports 16Kx4 RAMs which
; are used in Coco2B systems. Hence why there is a different version of this ROM
; just for the Coco2B.
                clr PIA0.DB                     ; strobe RAM size low
                ldb #4                          ; is input low?
                bitb PIA1.DB
                beq init1                       ; brif not
                sta SAM.M0SET                   ; program SAM for 16Kx4 RAMs
                sta SAM.P1SET
init1           sta SAM.M1SET                   ; program SAM for 64Kx1 RAMs
                ifndef COCO3
; Detect the installed memory size so the SAM ('783 variant) can be correctly
; programmed for the installed memory. Note that this sequence is replaced with
; a different one for the Coco2B which has the '785 variant of the SAM.
                ldb #0xff                       ; strobe RAM size high
                stb PIA0.DB
                ldb #4                          ; mask for ram size check
                bitb PIA1.DB                    ; is the bit set on ram size input?
                beq init2                       ; brif not - 4Kx1 RAMs
                sta PIA0.DB                     ; clear RAM size output to see what happens (A is 0 from above)
                bitb PIA1.DB                    ; is it set now?
                beq init1                       ; brif not - 64Kx1 RAMs
                leau -2,u                       ; adjust pointer so we set the other RAM size bit for the SAM (16Kx1)
init1           sta -3,u                        ; set M0 (16Kx1) or M1 (64Kx1)
init2           tfr a,dp                        ; set DP to bottom of memory (A is 0 from above)
                setdp 0                         ; tell assembler about it
                lds #textscreen                 ; put the stack just below the text screen
; Need to ensure the vectors are at 0xbff2
                zmb 0xbff2-*                    ; pad ROM up to the vector point
                fdb 0                           ; SWI3 vector
                fdb 0                           ; SWI2 vector
                fdb 0                           ; FIRQ vector
                fdb 0                           ; IRQ vector
                fdb 0                           ; SWI vector
                fdb 0                           ; NMI vector
                fdb START                       ; RESET vector (ROM entry point)
; pad rom to full size
                zmb 0x10000-*