view src/defs.s @ 121:5d5472b11ccd

Initital skeleton of separation of separate parsing scheme This is the first commit in a long series related to separating the parsing of the input code from the execution of the code. It should allow for more efficient, and probably simpler, execution while giving quicker feedback when someone types in syntactically invalid code.
author William Astle <>
date Sun, 31 Dec 2023 17:44:39 -0700
parents 6db72a92ff7a
children 917b4893bb3d
line wrap: on
line source

                *pragmapush list
                *pragma list
; Various constants
console_curdel  equ 10                          ; delay between cursor blink cycles
keyb_bufflen    equ 64                          ; keyboard ring buffer length
keyb_repdeli    equ 40                          ; ticks before initial repeat (2/3 s)
keyb_repdelr    equ 6                           ; 10 repeats per second
keyb_caps       equ 0x80                        ; capslock enabled
keyb_alt        equ 0x04                        ; alt pressed
keyb_ctrl       equ 0x02                        ; ctrl pressed
keyb_shift      equ 0x01                        ; shift pressed
linebuffsize    equ 0x100                       ; the line input buffer (256 bytes)
stringstacknum  equ 20                          ; number of entries on the anonymous string descriptor stack
stackheadroom   equ 50                          ; required headroom for the stack on OM checks
; Data structure used for calculations. Calculations are handled via structures called value accumulators. A value
; accumulator consists of a data type flag (at the end of the structure) and a data area whose layout varies based
; on the actual data type. The layouts for each value type are described below.
; A value type that is NULL (not set to anything) has type 0 (valtype_none) and the rest should be zero.
; A value accumulator has the following structure for floating point, which holds a packed floating point value:
; Offset        Length          Contents
; 0             1               fp exponent and sign
; 1             5               fp mantissa
; 6             1               value type
; A value accumulator has the following structure for integers:
; Offset        Length          Contents
; 0             4               integer value (two's complement)
; 4             2               *unused*
; 6             1               value type
; A value accumulator has the following structure for a string:
; Offset        Length          Contents
; 0             2               string length
; 2             2               *reserved for string data pointer expansion, must be zero*
; 4             2               string data pointer
; 6             1               value type
; Value type constants
valtype_none    equ 0                           ; unknown value type
valtype_int     equ 1                           ; integer (32 bit) value (signed)
valtype_float   equ 2                           ; BCD float type (48 bit) value
valtype_string  equ 3                           ; string type (16 bit length, 16(32) bit data pointer
; Floating point accumulator structure definitions
; Note: the extra precision bytes are needed for general calculations and need to be at least the same
; size as the significand itself; the exponent will be stored with the bias. The accumulators are
; unpacked.
fpa.exp         equ 0                           ; exponent - use largest size needed for any precision
fpa.sig         equ fpa.exp+1                   ; significand - use largest size needed for any precision
fpa.extra       equ fpa.sig+5                   ; extras; largest size needed for any precision, must follow significand
fpa.sign        equ fpa.extra+5                 ; sign flag
fpa.size        equ fpa.sign+1                  ; use the largest floating point accumulator size
; String data definition
str.len         equ 0                           ; string length (2 bytes)
str.ptr         equ str.len+2                   ; string data pointer (3 bytes)
str.size        equ str.ptr+3
; Value accumulator structure definitions; note that the actual value data must be first and any
; incidental meta data must follow
val.value       equ 0                           ; offset of the value stored in the accumulator
val.fpsexp      equ val.value                   ; floating point exponent (and sign)
val.fpssig      equ val.fpsexp+1                ; floating point significand         equ val.value                   ; integer offset
val.strlen      equ val.value+str.len           ; string length offset
val.strptr      equ val.value+str.ptr           ; string data pointer (low word)
val.type        equ 6                           ; use the largest of the data type sizes here
val.size        equ val.type+1                  ; size of a value accumulator
                ifdef COCO3
GIME_COCO       equ 0x80                        ; Set for coco2 compatible mode (video display)
GIME_MMUEN      equ 0x40                        ; Set to enable MMU
GIME_IEN        equ 0x20                        ; GIME IRQ enable
GIME_FEN        equ 0x10                        ; GIME FIRQ enable
GIME_FExx       equ 0x08                        ; Enable constant RAM at 0xFExx (comes from block 0x3f)
GIME_SCS        equ 0x04                        ; Set to enable standard SCS (switches 0xFF5x)
GIME_ROME16     equ 0x00                        ; 16K internal, 16K external ROM mode
GIME_ROME32     equ 0x03                        ; 32K external ROM
GIME_ROMI32     equ 0x02                        ; 32K internal ROM
GIME_TMRFAT     equ 0x20                        ; TIMER ticks approx every 279.365 ns
GIME_TMRSLOW    equ 0x00                        ; TIMER ticks approx every 63.695 µs
GIME_TASK0      equ 0x00                        ; MMU task 0
GIME_TASK1      equ 0x01                        ; MMU task 1
; GIME interrupt enable/status bits
GIME_ITIMER     equ 0x20                        ; TIMER interrupt (timer reaches 0)
GIME_IHBORD     equ 0x10                        ; HSYNC interrupt (falling edge)
GIME_IVBORD     equ 0x08                        ; VSYNC interrupt (falling edge)
GIME_ISERIAL    equ 0x04                        ; Falling edge of signal on pin 4 of serial port
GIME_IKEYBOARD  equ 0x02                        ; Interrupt if a 0 bit appears on bits 6-0 of PIA0.DA
GIME_ICART      equ 0x01                        ; Interrupt on falling edge of pin 8 of cartridge port
GIME_BP         equ 0x80                        ; enable bit plane mode
GIME_BPI        equ 0x20                        ; colour burst phase inversion (composite output only)
GIME_MONO       equ 0x10                        ; disable colour burst (composite output only)
GIME_H50        equ 0x08                        ; set to 50Hz operation
GIME_LPR1       equ 0x00                        ; one line per row
GIME_LPR2       equ 0x02                        ; two lines per row (also works on graphics)
GIME_LPR8       equ 0x03                        ; 8 lines per row
GIME_LPR9       equ 0x04                        ; 9 lines per row
GIME_LPR10      equ 0x05                        ; 10 lines per row
GIME_LPR11      equ 0x06                        ; 11 lines per row
GIME_LPRINF     equ 0x07                        ; "infinite" lines per row
GIME_LPF192     equ 0x00                        ; 192 lines on screen
GIME_LPF200     equ 0x40                        ; 200 lines on screen (actually 199 due to hardware bug)
GIME_LPF225     equ 0x60                        ; 225 lines on screen
GIME_BPR16      equ 0x00                        ; 16 bytes per row
GIME_BPR20      equ 0x04                        ; 20 bytes per row
GIME_BPR32      equ 0x08                        ; 32 bytes per row
GIME_BPR40      equ 0x0c                        ; 40 bytes per row
GIME_BPR64      equ 0x10                        ; 64 bytes per row
GIME_BPR80      equ 0x14                        ; 80 bytes per row
GIME_BPR128     equ 0x18                        ; 128 bytes per row
GIME_BPR160     equ 0x1c                        ; 160 bytes per row
GIME_TXT32      equ 0x00                        ; 32 characters per row
GIME_TXT40      equ 0x04                        ; 40 characters per row
GIME_TXT64      equ 0x10                        ; 64 characters per row
GIME_TXT80      equ 0x14                        ; 80 characters per row
GIME_BPP1       equ 0x00                        ; 1 bit per pixel
GIME_BPP2       equ 0x01                        ; 2 bits per pixel
GIME_BPP4       equ 0x02                        ; 4 bits per pixel
GIME_TXTATTR    equ 0x01                        ; text attributes enabled
                ifdef COCO3
; Stuff on the fixed memory page
                org 0xfe00
                rmb 0xed                        ; unused
INT.FLAG        rmb 1                           ; validity flag
INT.SWI3        rmb 3                           ; SWI3 bounce vector
INT.SWI2        rmb 3                           ; SWI2 bounce vector
INT.FIRQ        rmb 3                           ; FIRQ bounce vector
INT.IRQ         rmb 3                           ; IRQ bounce vector
INT.SWI         rmb 3                           ; SWI bounce vector
INT.NMI         rmb 3                           ; NMI bounce vector
; Hardware definitions for the I/O page
                org 0xff00
PIA0            equ *                           ; Keyboard PIA
PIA0.DA         rmb 1                           ; PIA0 data/direction A
PIA0.CA         rmb 1                           ; PIA0 control A
PIA0.DB         rmb 1                           ; PIA0 data/direction B
PIA0.CB         rmb 1                           ; PIA0 control B
                rmb 28                          ; mirror images of PIA0
PIA1            equ *                           ; DA/misc stuff
PIA1.DA         rmb 1                           ; PIA1 data/direction A
PIA1.CA         rmb 1                           ; PIA1 control A
PIA1.DB         rmb 1                           ; PIA1 data/direction B
PIA1.CB         rmb 1                           ; PIA1 control B
                rmb 28                          ; mirror images of PIA1
                rmb 16                          ; SCS/Disk controller
                rmb 16                          ; second half of SCS area
                rmb 32                          ; miscelaneous hardware
                ifdef COCO3
                rmb 16                          ; *reserved* (unused but the GIME drives them)
GIME.INIT0      rmb 1                           ; basic GIME system config
GIME.INIT1      rmb 1                           ; MMU task and timer rate
GIME.IRQ        rmb 1                           ; GIME IRQ enable/status register
GIME.FIRQ       rmb 1                           ; GIME FIRQ enable/status register
GIME.TIMER      rmb 2                           ; GIME programmable timer
                rmb 2                           ; *reserved*
GIME.VMODE      rmb 1                           ; GIME video mode setting
GIME.VRES       rmb 1                           ; GIME video resolution setting
                rmb 1                           ; *reserved* (used for MMU expansion on some memory boards)
GIME.BORDER     rmb 1                           ; GIME border colour
GIME.VSCROLL    rmb 1                           ; vertical scroll offset register/VDG screen mode variation
GIME.VOFFSET    rmb 2                           ; address of video memory (8 byte increments)
GIME.HOFFSET    rmb 1                           ; horizontal scroll offset
GIME.MMU        equ *                           ; MMU registers (two tasks)
GIME.MMU0       rmb 8                           ; MMU task 0
GIME.MMU1       rmb 8                           ; MMU task 1
GIME.PALETTE    rmb 16                          ; Palette registers
                rmb 64                          ; unused on Coco 1/2 (GIME on Coco 3)
SAMREG          equ *                           ; the SAM configuration register
SAM.V0CLR       rmb 1                           ; SAM video mode bits
SAM.V0SET       rmb 1
SAM.V1CLR       rmb 1
SAM.V1SET       rmb 1
SAM.V2CLR       rmb 1
SAM.V2SET       rmb 1
SAM.F0CLR       rmb 1                           ; SAM screen address bits
SAM.F0SET       rmb 1
SAM.F1CLR       rmb 1
SAM.F1SET       rmb 1
SAM.F2CLR       rmb 1
SAM.F2SET       rmb 1
SAM.F3CLR       rmb 1
SAM.F3SET       rmb 1
SAM.F4CLR       rmb 1
SAM.F4SET       rmb 1
SAM.F5CLR       rmb 1
SAM.F5SET       rmb 1
SAM.F6CLR       rmb 1
SAM.F6SET       rmb 1
SAM.P1CLR       rmb 1                           ; SAM "page 1" selection (or extra memory type flag)
SAM.P1SET       rmb 1
SAM.R0CLR       rmb 1                           ; SAM R0 bit (address dependent speedup, not used on Coco3)
SAM.R0SET       rmb 1
SAM.R1CLR       rmb 1                           ; SAM R1 bit (full speedup/coco 3 speedup)
SAM.R1SET       rmb 1
SAM.M0CLR       rmb 1                           ; SAM M0/M1 bits (memory type, not used on Coco3)
SAM.M0SET       rmb 1
SAM.M1CLR       rmb 1
SAM.M1SET       rmb 1
SAM.TYCLR       rmb 1                           ; force ROM mode (map type 0)
SAM.TYSET       rmb 1                           ; set RAM mode (map type 1)
                rmb 18                          ; *MPU reserved*
CPU.SWI3        rmb 2                           ; CPU SWI3 vector
CPU.SWI2        rmb 2                           ; CPU SWI2 vector
CPU.FIRQ        rmb 2                           ; CPU FIRQ vector
CPU.IRQ         rmb 2                           ; CPU IRQ vector
CPU.SWI         rmb 2                           ; CPU SWI vector
CPU.NMI         rmb 2                           ; CPU NMI vector
CPU.RESET       rmb 2                           ; CPU RESET/startup vector
                *pragmapop list