changeset 64:2205c3c59a33

author William Astle <>
date Sat, 22 Apr 2023 08:47:54 -0600
parents a3122251b5fe
children bb9fe2bd4894
files src/lwbasic.s
diffstat 1 files changed, 199 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/src/lwbasic.s	Thu Feb 23 21:56:49 2023 -0700
+++ b/src/lwbasic.s	Sat Apr 22 08:47:54 2023 -0600
@@ -41,6 +41,9 @@
 keyb_shift      equ 0x01                        ; shift pressed
 linebuffsize    equ 0x100                       ; the line input buffer (256 bytes)
 stringstacknum  equ 20                          ; number of entries on the anonymous string descriptor stack
+valtype_none    equ 0                           ; unknown value type
+valtype_int     equ 1                           ; integer (32 bit) value (signed)
+valtype_float   equ 2                           ; float type (40 bit) value
                 ifdef COCO3
 GIME_COCO       equ 0x80                        ; Set for coco2 compatible mode (video display)
@@ -230,10 +233,18 @@
 tok_kwnum       rmb 1                           ; the actual token number
 tok_kwmatchl    rmb 1                           ; the length of the best match during lookup
 tok_kwmatch     rmb 2                           ; the current best matched token number
-valtype0        rmb 1                           ; type of value in valaccum0
-valaccum0       rmb 6                           ; bucket of bytes for valaccum0
-valtype1        rmb 1                           ; type of value in valaccum1
-valaccum1       rmb 6                           ; bucket of bytes for valaccum1
+val0.type       rmb 1                           ; type of value in val0
+val0            rmb 0                           ; bucket of bytes for val0        rmb 0                           ; 32 bit signed integer value (val0)
+val0.exp        rmb 1                           ; floating point exponent (val0)
+val0.mant       rmb 4                           ; floating point mantissa (val0)
+val0.sign       rmb 1                           ; floating point sign (val0)
+val1.type       rmb 1                           ; type of value in val1
+val1            rmb 0                           ; bucket of bytes for val1        rmb 0                           ; 32 bit signed integer value (val1)
+val1.exp        rmb 1                           ; floating point exponent (val1)
+val1.mant       rmb 4                           ; floating point mantissa (val1)
+val1.sign       rmb 1                           ; floating point sign (val1)
                 rmb 0x71-*                      ; align RSTFLG/RSTVEC for stock ROM compatibility
 RSTFLG          rmb 1                           ; 0x55 if RSTVEC is valid
 RSTVEC          rmb 2                           ; points to warm start routine (must start with NOP)
@@ -1529,7 +1540,91 @@
 ; PRINT command
-cmd_print       rts
+cmd_print       beq cmd_printeol                ; brif no argument - do a newline
+cmd_print0      cmpa #';                        ; semicolon?
+                bne cmd_print1                  ; brif not
+                jsr nextchar                    ; skip the semicolon
+                bne cmd_print0                  ; brif not end of the statement
+                rts
+cmd_print1      jsr eval_expr                   ; evaluate the expression
+                ldb val0.type                   ; get value type
+                cmpb #valtype_int               ; integer?
+                beq cmd_printint                ; brif so - print integer
+                lda #'!                         ; flag unknown expression type
+                jsr console_outchr
+                jsr console_outchr
+                jsr console_outchr
+cmd_printnext   jsr curchar                     ; see what we have here
+                bra cmd_print                   ; and go process
+cmd_printeol    jmp console_outnl               ; do a newline and return
+cmd_printint    leas -12,s                      ; make a buffer
+                leay ,s                         ; point to buffer
+                lda #0x20                       ; default sign (positive)
+                ldb                    ; is it negative?
+                bpl cmd_printint0               ; brif not
+                lda #'-                         ; negative sign
+cmd_printint0   sta ,y+                         ; save sign
+                ldu #cmd_printintpc             ; point to positive constant table
+                ldx #10                         ; there are 10 constants to process
+                tsta                            ; negative value?
+                bmi cmd_printint3               ; brif so - start with addition loop
+; subtraction loop - positive residue
+cmd_printint1   lda #'0-1                       ; initialize digit
+                sta ,y
+cmd_printint2   inc ,y                          ; bump digit
+                ldd                  ; subtract constant
+                subd 2,u
+                std
+                ldd
+                sbcb 1,u
+                sbca ,u
+                std
+                bcc cmd_printint2               ; brif we didn't go negative
+                leay 1,y                        ; move to next digit in buffer
+                leau 4,u                        ; move to next constant
+                leax -1,x                       ; done all constants?
+                beq cmd_printint5               ; brif so - handle cleanup
+; addition loop - negative residue
+cmd_printint3   lda #'0-1                       ; initialize digit
+                sta ,y
+cmd_printint4   inc ,y                          ; bump digit
+                ldd                  ; add the constant to the residue
+                addd 2,u
+                std
+                ldd
+                adcb 1,u
+                adca ,u
+                std
+                bcc cmd_printint3               ; brif we didn't go positive (subtraction loop)
+                leay 1,y                        ; move to next digit
+                leau 4,u                        ; move to next constant
+                leax -1,x                       ; done all digits?
+                bne cmd_printint1               ; brif not - go do a subtraction loop
+cmd_printint5   clr ,y                          ; NUL terminate the string
+                leax 1,s                        ; point past the sign
+cmd_printint6   lda ,x+                         ; get digit
+                beq cmd_printint8               ; brif end of number
+                cmpa #'0                        ; is it a zero?
+                beq cmd_printint6               ; brif so - skip it
+cmd_printint7   lda ,s                          ; get the sign
+                sta ,-x                         ; put it at the start of the number
+                jsr console_outstr              ; display the number
+                leas 12,s                       ; clean up stack
+                bra cmd_printnext               ; go print the next thing
+cmd_printint8   leax -1,x                       ; restore one of the zeros
+                bra cmd_printint7               ; go finish up
+cmd_printintpc  fqb 1000000000                  ; 10^9
+                fqb 100000000                   ; 10^8
+                fqb 10000000                    ; 10^7
+                fqb 1000000                     ; 10^6
+                fqb 100000                      ; 10^5
+                fqb 10000                       ; 10^4
+                fqb 1000                        ; 10^3
+                fqb 100                         ; 10^2
+                fqb 10                          ; 10^1
+                fqb 1                           ; 10^0
 ; Error messages
@@ -1558,6 +1653,8 @@
                 fcn 'Undefined line number'
                 deferr rg
                 fcn 'RETURN without GOSUB'
+                deferr ov
+                fcn 'Overflow'
 ; The LET command which is the default if no token begins a statement
 cmd_let         jmp SNERROR                     ; not yet implemented
@@ -1591,26 +1688,113 @@
 eval_expr3      jsr nextchar                    ; eat the operator token
                 ldx 1,x                         ; get handler address of this operator
                 pshs x                          ; save handler address for later
-                lda valtype0                    ; get current value type
-                ldx valaccum0                   ; get value accumlator contents (6 bytes)
-                ldy valaccum0+2
-                ldu valaccum0+4
+                lda val0.type                   ; get current value type
+                ldx val0                        ; get value accumlator contents (6 bytes)
+                ldy val0+2
+                ldu val0+4
                 pshs a,x,y,u                    ; save it on the stack
                 jsr eval_expraux                ; evaluate the following term and higher precedence expressions
                 puls a,x,y,u                    ; get back saved value
-                stx valaccum1                   ; save it to the second value accumulator
-                sty valaccum1+2
-                stu valaccum1+4
-                sta valtype1                    ; save previous value type
+                stx val1                        ; save it to the second value accumulator
+                sty val1+2
+                stu val1+4
+                sta val1.type                   ; save previous value type
                 jsr [,s++]                      ; go handle the operator
                 puls b                          ; get back the previous operator precedence
                 bra eval_expr0                  ; go process another operator or end of expression
-eval_term       jmp SNERROR
+eval_term       jsr curchar                     ; get current input character
+                beq eval_term0                  ; brif end of input - this is an error
+                bcs eval_number                 ; brif digit - we have a number
+;                bmi eval_func                   ; brif we have a token - handle function call
+                cmpa #'.                        ; decimal point?
+                beq eval_number                 ; brif so - evaluate number
+                cmpa #'-                        ; negative sign?
+                beq eval_number                 ; brif so - evaluate number
+                cmpa #'+                        ; positive sign?
+                beq eval_number                 ; brif so - evaluate number
+eval_term0      jmp SNERROR                     ; we have something unrecognized - raise error
+; Evaluate a number constant. Currently this only handles 32 bit integers.
+eval_number     ldb #valtype_int                ; start with integer value
+                stb val0.type                   ; set return value
+                ldx zero                        ; blank out the value
+                stx val0
+                stx val0+2
+                stx val0+4
+                bra eval_number1                ; go do the parsing
+eval_number0    jsr nextchar                    ; fetch next input
+                beq eval_numberr                ; brif end of expression - bail
+eval_number1    cmpa #'-                        ; negative?
+                bne eval_number2                ; brif not
+                com val0.sign                   ; invert sign
+                bra eval_number0                ; deal with next input
+eval_number2    cmpa #'+                        ; unary +?
+                beq eval_number0                ; brif so - skip it
+eval_number5    beq eval_float                  ; brif decimal - force float
+                cmpa #'0                        ; is it a number?
+                blo eval_numberr                ; brif below digit
+                cmpa #'9                        ; is it still a number?
+                bhi eval_numberr                ; brif above digit
+                suba #'0                        ; offset to binary digit value
+                pshs a                          ; save digit value
+                ldx                    ; get current value for later (for quick multiply by 10)
+                ldd
+                pshs d,x                        ; stored with words swapped on stack for efficiency for later
+                lsl                  ; times 2
+                rol
+                rol
+                rol
+                bcs OVERROR                     ; brif overflowed
+                lsl                  ; times 4
+                rol
+                rol
+                rol
+                bcs OVERROR                     ; brif overflowed
+                ldd                  ; times 5 (add original value)
+                addd ,s++
+                std
+                ldd
+                adcb 1,s
+                adca ,s++
+                std
+                bcs OVERROR
+                lsl                  ; times 10
+                rol
+                rol
+                rol
+                bcs OVERROR                     ; brif overflowed
+                ldd                  ; get low word
+                addb ,s+                        ; add in current digit
+                adca #0
+                std
+                ldd
+                adcb #0
+                adca #0
+                std
+                bcs OVERROR                     ; brif overflowed
+                bpl eval_number4                ; brif we haven't wrapped negative
+                cmpd #0x8000                    ; is it valid negative two's complement?
+                bhi OVERROR                     ; brif not
+                ldd                  ; is it still valid two's complement (max negative)?
+                bne OVERROR                     ; brif so
+eval_number4    jsr nextchar                    ; fetch next input character
+                bra eval_number5                ; go handle it
+OVERROR         ldb #err_ov                     ; flag overflow
+                jmp ERROR
+eval_numberr    ldb val0.sign                   ; is the number we want negative?
+                beq eval_numberr0               ; brif not
+                ldd zero                        ; negate the value
+                subd
+                std
+                ldd zero
+                subd
+                std
+eval_numberr0   rts
+eval_float      jmp SNERROR                     ; we don't handle floating point yet
 ; Operator table
 ; Each entry starts with the precedence value followed by the handler routine. Each handler will receive its left
-; operand in valaccum1 and its right operand in valaccum0 and should return its result in valaccum0.
+; operand in val1 and its right operand in val0 and should return its result in val0.
 oper_tab        fcb 0x79                        ; addition
                 fdb SNERROR
                 fcb 0x79                        ; subtraction